How do you respond to people posting on your Facebook wall to wish you Happy Birthday?

The best option is to use the Graph API on your own. It’s as easy as using facebook. Go to Facebook Developers Tools –> Graph API.

First step, GET ACCESS TOKEN |–> Extended Permissions – read_stream, publish_actions. No more permissions are required.

Second Step, POST to GRAPH API.

I would suggest, do go through Quickstart and Making Multiple API Requests. Check the Specifying dependencies between operations in the request section. Yes, they have given you the curl script. Modify the batch curl script, Read the feed on your birthday, “me/feed?until=20xx-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ&with=nf&since=20xx-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ”

And, Post a comment “{result=get-wishes:$.data.$}/comments” with message of your choice

or, like the wishes if you want “{result=get-wishes:$.data.$}/likes”

Run it on terminal and save yourself from your friends. The graph API is nice 🙂 Within half an hour I commented and liked hundreds of wishes.. Shhhh!!! Don’t tell my friends!

Here is a sample, part of my curl script,

curl -F ‘access_token=blahblah’ -F ‘batch=[{ \”method\”:\”GET\”,\”name\”:\”get-wishes\”,\”relative_url\”:\”me/feed?until=2014-12-19T19:00:00Z&with=nf&limit=200&since=2014-12-18T16:00:00Z\”,},{\”method\”:\”POST\”,\”relative_url\”:\”{result=get-wishes:$.data.$}/comments\”, \”body\”:\”message=Thank you!\”}]’

How do you respond to people posting on your Facebook wall to wish you Happy Birthday?

EDIT: Facebook’s APIs have changed. Looks like it does not work as is any more.